One of the objectives of the EleTher JIP is contribution to the global awareness of the need to continue research on the topic of electrolyte thermodynamics. To this end, we plan to be present in various conferences.
Please come and meet us there!
Our abstract, accepted as a poster, can be downloaded here:Abstract ECCE JIPEleTher posterV4
The poster can be downloaded here
The JIP has been honored at CERE with a keynote presentation. You can download the slides here:
On May 19, 2021, the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) organized with the support of the Joint industry project EleTher, a webinar around the scientific developments in the field of electrolyte thermodynamics, both from the academic and industrial point of view. Jean-Charles de Hemptinne covered the industrial part, while Georgios M. Kontogeogis (University of Denmark) presented the academic part.
The event, which welcomed nearly 80 participants, can be viewed on YouTube.
A view on The Future of Applied Thermodynamics
The Working Party has published an opinion paper that discusses the challenges that the field of applied thermodynamics is facing in responding to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This webinar aims at sharing with the community the priorities that we believe are important, both at the technical level (modelling and data) and at the non-technical level (education and development of collaborative projects). An open discussion with all panellists will aim to identify and promote new initiatives.
10min: Introduction
Prof. Maria-Grazia de Angelis, U. Edinborough, chair of the Thermodynamics working party
20 min: Grand challenges of modern society, a pertinent role for applied thermodynamics
Dr. Antoon ten Kate, 1st Principal Scientist at Nouryon
Modern society faces a multitude of grand challenges that need to be addressed appropriately and urgently. Hence, world-wide there is substantive attention paid to resolving thematic issues related to water, energy, climate and so on. As thermodynamics is the science of interaction between energy and matter, it is very well positioned to develop and judge the appropriate and timely action.
20 min: Modeling and Simulation: tools and needs
Prof Richard Elliott, Professor Emeritus at the university of Akron
Fundamental methods are beginning to supersede traditional methods in accuracy by factors of 3-5 for important properties like vapor pressure and formation energies. These trends will continue, encompassing properties that are essential to addressing issues like carbon capture, safe groundwater, and pharmaceutical production, to name a few.
20 min: Data Challenges: Availability, Discoverability, Reporting, Quality
Dr. Ala Bazyleva, Research Chemist at NIST
When data users need experimental property data, they face a number of challenges: whether the required data exist, where/how to find the existing data, whether the found existing data useable (properly reported), and whether the obtained data are reliable. The situation, including identification of problems and potential solutions, will be briefly analyzed based on the author’s experience.
20 min: Education, training, networking :the “soft skills” needed to go forward
Prof. Jean-Charles de Hemptinne, Research engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles
Technical progress is not only a technical task. Many different stakeholders must be motivated to move in a common direction. Education is key for success, but this comes through many different channels, starting from general public all the way to decision-makers.
20 min: Discussion